AMWA Premedical Division 2022–23 Mentorship Chair Candidacy Statement

Monique Faith Boodram
2 min readFeb 4, 2023


Photo by Adam Wilson on Unsplash

The American Medical Women’s Association National Mentorship Program’s network of premed and medical students made a greater influence on me than any pre-medical advisor or academic coach could ever do, and now, as a first generation college freshman majoring in Biomedical Sciences at Sam Houston State University, I am determined to be a leader in this initiative by stepping forward to shape students like myself into the medical students they envision.

I look forward to
- Associating pre-medical students with their dream #medschool and programs through matching them with medical students already admitted to these institutions

- Connecting pre-meds from minority backgrounds, who are facing adversity, to medical students who have faced similar circumstances in their pre-medical career to provide them with valuable advice from their medical student mentors

- Students without local chapters at their institution, or local members without national memberships, have less networking opportunities. As one who is currently in the process of founding a pre-medical chapter at SHSU, I speak from experience. The National Mentorship Program has potential to decrease this issue, through more social events, promotion, and collaboration with chair members who can assist in associating national members with local members.

- Pre-medical students can also find their calling to be mentors themselves. Through our “Be One, Teach One” program I look forward to expanding the reach of this new initiative for high schoolers and undergrads.

Joining the National Premedical Division to share my experience and ideas is my way of giving back to AMWA. Just as I have stood on the shoulders of the past AMWA leaders, I strive to offer my shoulders to those who need to achieve their horizons, from now until the end of my rope.

Pre-medical AMWA Members can vote here, at!/

You can join the “vision and voice of women in medicine” today. Pre-meds get a discount when they use the promotion code, “time”



Monique Faith Boodram
Monique Faith Boodram

Written by Monique Faith Boodram

I’m your huckleberry. Biomedical Sciences '25 | Writer and Researcher

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