Breakthrough Junior Challenge: 2020
UPDATE: I received an email from the Breakthrough Junior Challenge stating that my video scored in the top 40 percent of all videos in the Peer-to-Peer Review phase! I’m pleased to know that my video did indeed make an impact, regardless of how small that impact may have been.
Hi everyone! It’s been a while, mostly because I have been caught up producing a video for the Breakthrough Junior Challenge. In quick summary, science and math enthusiasts between ages 13–18 can make a YouTube video (3 minutes max) simply explaining a complex concept or theory in the life sciences, physics, math, or this year’s new category, COVID-19. The winner gets a $250,000 scholarship, their nominated teacher gets $50,000, and a science lab by Cole Spring Harbor is awarded to their school. In my opinion, that’s not even the best part. The winner is invited to the Breakthrough Prize Ceremony in Silicon Valley (and it’s streamed live! on National Geographic! and YouTube!). Aside from such fantastic winnings, fellow participants are spreading their love for science and math around the world. Whether they be peers or just the general public, the viewers are impacted by the power of science and math. Challengers take the complex, hard to understand topics that may deter others and make it into something easier to understand and better to love. I believe this is rather influential and I could not miss the opportunity to share my knowledge too!
At first, I did not have a concept/theory at hand to explain. I wanted the topic to be unique, so I was quite particular about my choosing. Finding my topic started with an unforeseen question: why do we have a dominant hand? Further research brought me to the concept cerebral lateralization and its relation to motor skills. After months of gathering all the information, I started the long process of filming, and editing. Yay! The final video was completed yesterday (June 23rd) and I submitted it today (June 24th). I’ll stop talking now- you can watch the video on my YouTube channel or look below this paragraph.. yeah.. right below.. see it? Good!
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See ya soon!